One is never too old to learn

One is never too old to learn.
A person
is never too old to learn. Do not ever feel too old to learn new things. Age not a barrier to learning

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

A Native Speaker VS A Non Native Speaker

I live in a country where English is not the first language. But whatever country you are in and whatever language is your native language your learning will be affected by whether or not your English teacher is a native speaker or not. With the various aspects of learning English, Listening , reading , writing and of course speaking there is a lot to take in and for the non-native speaking teacher – a lot to translate. Understanding and mastery of these not only takes time and practice, but also motivation and dedication, lots and lots of dedication and having a non native English speaking teacher your learning can sometimes be hindered. When we speak, read and write or listen in English, we have to process a whole host of information that for a native English teacher comes perfectly naturally but for a non native speaker teacher, it doesn’t. By conversing with native speakers, a student of English will be able to pick up on the meaning of phrases and the teacher will be able to make sure the student is applying the proper meaning of the words and phrases they use. The English teacher can explain why a phrase is spoken in a certain way.
Would have any impact on the students learning? Of course a certain extent would depend on that teachers ability to teach and the level of confidence that teacher has in her or his English level. Many non native teachers have spent many years studying English and can sometimes be experts in the rules of grammar, giving them an upper hand when it comes to job applications, I know many English teachers that have an innate fear of grammar. As previously mentioned, it takes determination and dedication to master the English language and non native teachers that have mastered the language do have a natural passion and curiosity for the language. The native speaker on the other hand, simply speaks the language albeit usually speaking it better than a non native speaker.
So who does make the better English teacher, the native speaker who has been speaking the language as a natural (usually first) language, that knows English slang and is comfortable using it. The speaker that knows how to interact with other English speakers and knows appropriate English or the non native speaker teacher. The teacher that has a genuine passion for learning and teaching the language, that has spent many years in school studying English and has often spent a lot of money on studying English. What do you think? If you were studying English would you prefer a native speaker or non native speaker?

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